10 foods to eliminate gases.
10 Foods to Eliminate Gase
Eating quickly without chewing, eating too much fiber or too much candy, chopping after hours or taking antacids are habits that cause gas.Eating slowly, in a quiet environment without cold is one of the first steps to promote digestion and avoid annoying gases.
The reason is that the digestive process is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system (the one that predominates when we relax), which gives the order to the secretion glands of gastric juices and, in addition, regulates the movements of the organs and viscera involved in the digestion. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the organism is prepared to make digestion while there is sunlight; hence the importance of dining soon.
The introduction of a greater supply of fiber should be progressive, since our flora is not used and ends up producing belly swelling, malaise and flatulence.
Antacid medicines inhibit the correct acidity of the stomach necessary for the digestion of proteins, which, if not digested, form gases.
1. Ginger, at the start of meals.
This root, fresh or dry powder, has the ability to stimulate pancreatic and biliary digestive function if taken at the start of each meal.
Take 1 or 2 slices each day.
2. Anti-gas or carminative plants.
Anise, fennel, cumin, cilantro ... Boiling the vegetables or cooking the cabbages with these seeds helps to make them more digestive.
They can also be taken in infusion or chew some of them before or after a copious meal.
3. Plum umeboshi, enzymes to digest.
Its acidity causes the formation of saliva in large quantities, which contains enzymes necessary for the digestion of carbohydrates and promotes the digestion of proteins.
A little bit a day before the meal.
4. Tamari or apple cider vinegar, take care of the microbiota.
Both are fermented foods ideal for intestinal microbiota.
Apple cider vinegar also contains organic acids that promote the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Tamari increases gastric secretion, apart from having antimicrobial activity.
Take 1 tablespoon a day.
5. Germinated fenugreek, the most digestive.
Like all sprouts, they are rich in enzymes that help digestion. Those of fenugreek are the most indicated to combat gases.
Do not stop taking 1 small handful a day, always raw.
Sprouts salad with lime sauce
Sprouts salad with lime sauce
6. Escarole, bitterness that helps.
The bitter taste helps the discharge of bile, the substance that facilitates the digestion of fats.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, it also stimulates appetite.
Add a little escarole to your salads.
7. Pumpkin, strong digestive system.
It is one of the star foods to tone the middle jiao (corresponds to the digestive system).
Because of its sweet taste and neutral nature, it does not destabilize the energy of this organ and it strengthens it.
Enjoy it 3-4 times a week.
Pumpkin preventive soup
Pumpkin preventive soup
8. Brown rice, very digestible cereal.
It is one of the cereals, together with millet, which is better digested and the one that leaves less metabolic waste.
To make it even more digestive it is convenient to soak it for a few hours.
Eat brown rice 2-3 times each week.
9. Papaya contains digestive enzymes.
This tropical fruit and pineapple contain digestive enzymes (bromelain and papain) with proteolytic action, that is, they help in the digestion of proteins.
If you choose pineapple, it is advisable to eat the central stem. If you prefer papaya, take 2 slices a day.
10. Fresh mint, to digest legumes.
It is carminative and helps in the digestion of legumes and foods rich in fats. It is considered a tonic for the digestive system.
It is used dry or fresh, some leaves every day.
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